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Create duels between your favorite images

ClickDuel helps you connect with friends and communities of people who share your interests. Create duels between a set of images and compare results with everyone else.

Try a random duel

Your imagination is the only limit

The internet has a thousand images for any topic, and no one can agree on which is best, so use ClickDuel to find out.


Best franchise? Best actor? Cruelest villain? Coolest hero? Greatest 80's action movie? The possible duels are endless.

What's for lunch?

Can't figure out what to get for lunch with your co-workers? Make a duel of local favorites and have everyone compete.

Vacation Photos

Took a ton of photos and can't figure out which to print? Upload them from your device, or import from Facebook, Instagram, and Google Photos and create a duel to have your family and friends figure it out.

Pet Photos

Good luck choosing the best! You may even abort some duels before choosing your favorite.

Sports Brackets

Do you do better choosing winners based on your gut? Well, then create a duel of the teams and rapidly choose winners and ultimately find the overall best.


Compete between using text! Make your list of ideas or todos, and quickly figure out which you need to do right now!