About ClickDuel
ClickDuel was born in 2013. It was originaly written with meteorjs and had one duel: bear vs shark. Then in 2019, after a week’s worth of work, it was resurrected using Elixir + Phoenix LiveView, and could still simply play bear vs shark. Finally, in 2023, it was resurrected yet again, but this time over the course of 2 months, and featured custom duels. Hooray!
Big thanks
- Elixir + Ecto
- Phoenix
- LiveView
- tailwindcss
- Flowbite
- PostgreSQL
- Üeberauth
- As well as: cloak_ecto, httpoison, slugger, paper_trail, floki, cachex, earmark, html_sanitize_ex, phoenix_markdown, credo
Special thank to
- José Valim
- Chris McCord
- Henry, the OG beta tester
Shout out to image providers
Made with ❤️ and 😈 in Boston by @lardcanoe